I remember my first marble top washstand I restored.....my parents bought it for me after I spotted it in a second hand store. They looked at it, then looked at me as if I had completely lost my mind. They could not see any beauty. I'll show you that one later.
This one was broken and forgotten and dug out of my husband's father's garage when both parents had passed away and we had to clear the house for sale. No-one gave it a second look, and I snapped it up greedily! Initially I restored it for my husband's niece, and therefore it became off-white. If I restored it for me - I would have stripped it to bare wood, then stained and varnished it to a baltic colour. After a time - the niece changed her mind over her decor - so the stand is still with me.
The first pictures I remembered to take. I had already started the sand/strip down of the top.
This is more indicative of the condition - snapped bottom shelf and paint that had seen bad times and years neglected and unwanted in a garage.
All the sanding and stripping had taken place, and three coats of a light cream acrylic paint had been applied. I'm still wondering what to do with the inset feature of the door, and had started the mosaics on the top.
My mosaics shop (the one I had lessons with and later did some shop-minding duties in) had these beautiful ceramic hand painted tiles for $5 each. I jumped at the Iris, then found it was perfect for this project. Mosaic surround is taking shape.
And now finished and ready for grouting.
Taaaa Daaaaa! Finished. Finishing and then looking at the piece FINISHED is always a euphoric moment. It's "my high" without any chemicals!
Grouted and re-assembled. My friend Lynn suggested to paint the door inlay with the same colour of yellow as in the background of the Iris tile. Genius!
With the flip top hinged lid on the top box, small drawer, and roomy central cupboard - I think it's a really handy piece.
All of my furniture is "wood" look - and this is doesn't match my house style. Lucky my main bathroom is Black and White so I can just get away with it in there. I don't think this is the final spot, but it will do for now. And it's very handy.
A Star is Re-born! (Not me, the washstand!!!!)